Friday, October 29, 2010

Exhibit This

Greetings Gouls and Goblins. Since I'm currently suffering under the weight of writers block I figured I'd get this pre-weekend entry in and use it for shameless plugs instead.   Maybe they'll stem the tide and break through the block. The juices just weren't flowing last night.  I considered writing about the mid-term elections.  But those have been covers 10 ways til Sunday by every news network out there.  Plus here in Washington there's not even polls to go to anymore since it's all done by mail. Hopefully those of you reading who can vote did.

Halloween is this weekend obviously, but there's not much that can be added to that either.  Plus who doesn't like a weekend where girls break out the smallest things in their closet, then wear them in public.  So I'm all for that.

For those of you not inclined to be dressing up this weekend, there are a few other things going on.  If you're in the Bellingham area and into some quality art there's a quick drive down to Seattle to check out the Picasso exhibit at SAM. 

If you're looking to get your geek on there's the BSG exhibit over at EMP/SFM.  This is one that I fully intend on checking out.  For those of you unfamiliar with the acronym.  BSG is Battlestar Galactica. A show that originally aired in 1978-79.  It was brought back in 2004 on the Syfy channel then this new version ran for 4 seasons.  If you didn't see the show when it aired.  YOU SHOULD.  It may seem to geeky as most Sci-Fi genre shows are, but it's well written and the characters are well developed. It's completely worth adding to your Netflix, and more so if you have the Blu-Ray option.  It'll blow your frakin' mind hole. The exhibit started a couple of weeks ago, and has not one but THREE full size ships from the show.  Now who wouldn't want some pics of that on their Facebook.  If you say you don't, you either don't know what fun is, or are lying.  So unleash your geek and check it out.

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